5 Signs You Must Replace Your Front Entry Door: Our Guide

Replace Your Front Entry Door

When it comes to house doors, the front entry one is deemed to be the most important. This is because it highlights your home and leaves an impression on the whole household. As it is constantly used and abused whenever people enter and exit the property, it must be regularly cleaned and maintained. But even with regular upkeep, the time will come when it needs to be replaced. This time, you must ensure to get one based on its aesthetics, safety, durability, longevity, and overall functionality.

But when do you know it’s time to finally replace your front entry door? In this article, we will share five signs that indicate it’s time to get new entryway doors:

1) Difficulty in Opening and Closing Your Front Door

There is nothing more annoying and inconvenient than having a front door that’s hard to open and close. The chances are that it already has problems such as sinking hinges or uneven structure. When confronted with these issues, it might be high time to replace your front entry door as it must be smooth to ensure easy access.

2) Weathered, Warped, or Cracked Door

There’s no denying that your front entry door is the most used and abused. It gets constant beating over time as it is knocked, banged, slammed, and even kicked. It is also exposed to the harsh outdoor elements, whether it rains or shines. No matter how solid you think your door is and what materials it is made of, it will end up weathered, warped, or cracked over time.

3) Presence of Dings and Rust

Another obvious sign is the presence of dings and rust on your front entry door, as they will compromise your door’s structural integrity. The dent happens if you constantly give your door a little kick when opening it, especially if you’re carrying your groceries. On the other hand, corrosion starts when exposed to moisture coming from the interior wood frame. If the dings and rust have worsened over time, you should replace your front door early on before it costs you more!

4) Moisture Between the Glass Panes

Excessive moisture between glass panes is the major culprit and reason your front entry door has mould and mildew growth. As they can compromise the health of your family, you must not ignore your front door. If you want to remedy the issue, you should instead replace your entryway door in Canada so that you can ensure the health and safety of the whole household!

5) Water or Pest Damage

If your house is located in a storm-prone area or surrounded by critters and pests, your front entry door will be susceptible to damages in the long run. The worst thing that can happen is for your home to have water damage brought about by flooding. Another severe problem is when you have a termite infestation on your wooden front door. When faced with these problems, replacing your front door is the most viable solution.

Here at Durabuilt Windows & Doors, we are dedicated to providing innovative and stylish doors and windows for your home renovation projects. We are also committed to ensuring the utmost safety and quality service. Whether you need a front entry door installation or replacement, our experts are here to help!


Having a front entry door replacement is inevitable, as the time will come when you finally need to do so, so be sure to check the five signs discussed above. When there’s a need to replace your door, get it from a highly reliable supplier and work with a professional installer. With an aesthetically appealing and highly functional front entry door, you can kick your home up a notch and ensure your family’s safety simultaneously!

Are you looking to replace your entryway door in Canada? You’ve come to the right place, as we’re specialized in providing and installing high-quality windows and doors. Get in touch with us today to learn more about our services!

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